Thursday, 17 February 2011

Another Valentine heart

And here is the heart I made for Virginia. The front is denim and the scrap of fabric with a flower pattern used for the little pocket comes from a shirt that used to be Virginia's a long time ago. The I found two lovely heart-shaped glittery buttons which I placed on top of the pocket; I've just realised, looking at the photo, that they look like two little eyes...
Then I had the insane idea of putting a frilly edging I had rescued - again from one of Virginia's summer tops - but in such a way that it would be between the front and the back fabric so no seams would be visible....

It turned out to be more difficult than I though, particularly since I did it all by hand as the fabrics were a bit too thick for my sewing machine. Suffice to say I pierced my fingers several times....
For the back of the heart I used some material I had kept from a beautiful Osh Kosh skirt Amelia (and then Virginia) used to wear years and years ago. This was actually the skirt Amelia wore that very hot evening we went, with Nonna and Tiziana, to the Arena in Verona to watch 'Cavalleria Rusticana' and 'Pagliacci', which made Amelia cry when people were dying as she thought it was for real...

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